Your access
to your LinkedIn Dashboard
Get it here for free.

Only 4 Steps
to your own interactive LinkedIn dashboard.

  1. Copy the dashboard
  2. Export the data from your LinkedIn company page
  3. Store them into your Google Drive account
  4. Link the data
  5. All set!

At a glance, you see the following in the LinkedIn dashboard:

  • How your followers increase over time
  • What industries and countries your followers are from
  • The performance of your LinkedIn postings (comments, likes, shares)
  • Comparison of organic and paid postings
  • Overview over your impressions

It's all interactive, which means:

  • No more Excel- Powerpoint-Ping-Pong!
  • Reportable: Easily distribute via email to a selected group of people.
  • Export and long-term data retention: LinkedIn ‘deletes’ access to analytics numbers after 365 days!
  • Quick and uncomplicated evaluation.

Interactive LinkedIn Dashboard:
Now becoming analyzable.